Countries/territories/departments visited: 30

USA, Honduras (Swan Island), Panama, Ecuador (Galapagos Islands), French Polynesia, Cook Islands, Niue, Tonga, New Zealand, Fiji, Vanuatu, Australia, Indonesia, Christmas Island, Cocos Keeling Island, Mayotte, Mozambique, South Africa, Namibia, St. Helena, Brazil, Barbados, Martinique, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Antigua and Barbuda, Nevis and St. Kitts, US Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas

Miles Sailed: Approximately 29,517 nautical miles (33,967 land/statute miles)

I didn’t always keep all the relevant GPS tracks, so it’s a near estimate in come cases.  We actually sailed more miles.  These miles are from Amelia Island, FL, USA to Ft.Lauderdale, USA.

How Pura Vida Spent the Night:

Here’s how Pura Vida spent the night from the time we left Key West, FL, USA until we returned to Ft. Lauderdale, USA:

237 nights at sea (31.7%), 175 nights at anchor (23.4%), 90 nights on a mooring (12.0%), 185 nights at a marina/dock (24.7%), 78 nights in a boatyard (10.4%)

Excluding our time in New Zealand to wait out the South Pacific cyclone season, the numbers are:

236 nights at sea (40.7%), 170 nights at anchor (29.3%), 90 nights on a mooring (15.5%), 101 nights at a marina/dock (17.4%) (54 in South Africa), 0 nights in a boatyard (0%)

Here’s the breakdown:


Total Engine Hours:

Port: 724, Starboard: 721 (from leaving Amelia Island, FL, USA until returning to Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA; usually only used one engine for offshore motoring)

Passage Times:

Here are are passage time and average speeds for most of our longer passages.  Some are slower than they would otherwise have been due to various gear failures (e.g., the mast nearly coming down between Cocos and Mayotte, and blowing out the clew of our large spinnaker the second day after leaving Africa on our Atlantic crossing to  Brazil).  While racing cats are capable of incredible speeds, heavy cruising cats like ours, loaded down with lots of gear and provisions, and sailed conservatively, aren’t really faster than most monohulls, especially given the shorter waterline length for a given purchase price.  Our average, about 5 knots, is essentially the same answer you get if you divide our total miles sailed by the number of nights we spent at sea.


Number of times seasick (to the point of puking):

Dallas: 4 (first time offshore between Amelia Island and Ft. Pierce, FL, after rounding western tip of Cuba, on the way to New Zealand, leaving New Zealand)

Lauren: 1 (leaving New Zealand)